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So, You Had a Recent Storm?

If you don't know what to do, you are among good company. A recent study states, 72% of Oklahoma home owners don't know what to do in case of storm damage!


Here, we offer insight to the home damage and claims process. 

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Check For Damage Immediately

After a natural disaster, roof damage can occur. Your first step should be to assess your roof’s condition as soon as possible. You may notice issues like leaks, damage to your shingles or even hail damage to the roof. Speak with your insurance adjuster or review your homeowners insurance policy to determine the requirements for how long you need to wait after a natural disaster or severe storm to have your roof repaired or restored under your homeowners insurance roofing policy.



​Look For Visible Damage

What visible damage should you look for after a natural disaster or storm? The following are a few examples of visible damage you may be able to uncover by examining your roof:
• Leaks: Inspect for leaks or water damage. Examine your attic, ceilings and walls for water stains. You may also notice the paint on your walls or the wallpaper peeling, cracked or bubbling. If you discover any visible signs of leaks or water damage, your roof may need to be repaired or replaced.
• Damage to shingles: Another sign of visible damage you may want to check for is damage to your shingles or missing shingles. Shingles and other coverings can be blown off in strong winds, and you can spot missing singles by looking for gaps in your roof’s pattern or by finding singles on the ground. You may also find that your shingles are cracked, curled or dented.
• Damage to gutters: A natural disaster or severe storm can also damage your gutters. Heavy rain and hail from a storm can run off into your gutters and weaken them. Wind can also damage your gutters or rip them from your roof entirely.
• Hail damage: Another visible sign of damage you may want to look for is hail damage. The pressure on your roof from hail, particularly from hailstones that are irregularly shaped or large, can potentially cause minor imperfections to your roof. These small imperfections can gradually become larger, more expensive problems.
After a severe storm, such as a tornado or hurricane, the damage to your roof may necessitate the complete replacement of your roof. For example, if a tree falls on your roof, this could result in significant structural damage. Whether you notice any visible damage right away, you may want to mitigate potential problems as soon as possible for your future roof claim.
To reduce potential roof issues, you can place tarps on your roof and check for mold and water damage that could result in problems in the future.


Get A Reputable Contractor To Inspect The Roof

If you notice any visible signs of roof damage, you may want to contact a reputable contractor, like C5 Roofing, who can inspect your roof. It’s common for contractors to find temporary repairs that need to be done to help prevent further damage. If this is the case, be sure to save the receipts so you can submit them for reimbursement from your insurance company later. 
Even if you do not spot any visible signs of roof damage, it is still important to get your roof inspected following a significant weather event, as severe weather can cause underlying damage to your roof. Several potential issues can only be uncovered by an experienced roofing professional. As such, you may want to schedule a roof inspection after a natural disaster or a major storm. 


Finding the right roofing contractor is an essential component in roof insurance claims. Whether you need a complete roof replacement or quick repairs, you will want to choose the right roofing contractor to work with. That's why C5 Roofing is here to help. 
To help with your insurance claim, you may want to choose an established, reputable contractor. Be wary of storm chasers. Often, these roofers will have the name “storm” in their business name and go door-to-door, stating that you have storm damage.

Look for the following qualities to determine whether a contractor is suitable:
• Experience in roofing services and with your specific roofing material
• Clear pricing estimates
• References you can contact



A reputable contractor, such as C5 Roofing, should also have proper insurance and licensing. Your contractor should have insurance to cover all of their subcontractors and employees, and they should be able to give you a copy of their certificate of insurance for verification. Without the proper insurance, you may be at risk for liability if a roofing employee is injured at your home.
Also, be aware that some states require roofing companies to be certified. If you live in a state that requires roofing contractor licenses, make sure you’re working with someone who has the necessary licenses. You may face several issues down the road if you choose to work with an unlicensed contractor. C5 Roofing maintains in good standing with the Oklahoma Construction Industries Board LIC# 80006010. We are in compliance with all regulations and building code practices. 


Choose the Right Roofing Contractor 

Make Sure Your Contractor Is Insured


Collect The Correct Information

If your roof has sustained extensive damage and you want to file an insurance claim, you may need to provide proof of this damage to your insurance company. What information should you collect for this roof insurance claim? Among the information you may want to provide is documentation of the damage to your roof, written explanations of the needed repairs and the estimated costs of these repairs.

Documentation of damage can help you support your insurance claim. Taking before and after pictures of your roof and the exterior of your property may make the claims process easier and help you receive the settlement that you are entitled to for your loss.
Along with documenting the damages to your roof, you may want to document your roof repairs and maintenance. Your claims process may proceed more smoothly and stress-free if you can provide your insurance company with plenty of documentation.



Part of the information you may want to collect to support your roof claim is a written explanation of the needed roof repairs. If you can obtain a written explanation from an experienced roofing professional, this can help validate your insurance claim.


Finally, among the information you may want to collect for your insurance claim is the estimated costs of your roof repairs. When you file your claim with your insurance company, you may also want to provide the estimates of your roof repairs, along with the bills and invoices you receive.
This information can help your home insurance company determine what the payout should be for your claim. The more information you can provide, the more likely you may be to receive the amount of compensation necessary to cover your roof repairs or roof replacement.


Document Damage

Written Explanations Of Needed Repairs

Estimated Costs Of Repairs


Understand Your Insurance Policy

Regarding homeowners insurance and roof damage, your policy likely covers damage to your roof as long as a covered peril causes the damage. However, there are a few instances in which your roof claim may be denied.

Why might your roof claim be denied? If your roof damage does not come from an act of nature or a sudden accident, then this may result in your claim being denied. For example, if the damage is caused by a lack of maintenance, your homeowners insurance policy may not cover those repairs.
So, what should you do if your roof claim is denied? First, remember that insurance adjusters can make mistakes — it happens. If your claim gets denied, request for a second adjuster to come and inspect your roof. Asking for a second opinion is a great way to get a different look at the roof. If the second adjuster approves your claim, you can proceed with repairs, though there’s always a chance they may deny the claim too. 
If you still believe you have viable damage for a claim, you can push the issue further and ask an engineer to inspect the roof. If they find proof of storm damage, it can be submitted to your insurance company to help with the claim. 
To help get your roof claim approved the first or second time around, you may consider asking your contractor to assist with the inspection. While the insurance adjuster ultimately has the last say regarding your claim, the contractor can help point out proof of damages.

Along with lack of maintenance, your homeowners insurance policy may not cover damages to an older roof. If your roof has surpassed its reasonable life span, then the costs of repairing or replacing your roof may be an expense you need to pay for out of your own pocket.

One of the most common insurance roof replacement questions is, “Will my premiums increase?” The short answer is that your home insurance rate will probably not increase as long as you were not found negligent.
Since damage caused by storms or natural disasters was not caused by your neglect, then your insurance company is unlikely to raise your premium after you file a roof claim. If the damage to your roof is determined to be a result of your own negligence, such as a lack of regular maintenance, then your premium may go up after you file a roof claim.


What is covered under insurance for roofs? Insurance policies can differ regarding repairing, restoring or replacing damaged roofs. Insurance policies typically cover acts of nature or sudden accidental events. However, other factors may impact whether your insurance policy covers damages to your roof, such as the age of your roof.

Coverage for damaged roofs often includes acts of nature or sudden accidental events. Examples of these acts of nature and sudden accidental events include:
• Fire
• Tornadoes
• Vandalism
Most plans will cover damages to your roof that are caused by these acts of nature or sudden accidental events. These incidents are out of your control and not caused by your own neglect, so your home insurance policy is likely to cover them.
On the other hand, general weather conditions, such as rain, wind or hail, may or may not be covered. Weather claims do rate with most companies. Most of the time, updating the roof age lowers the rate more than what the increase would be. Most companies give six months to file a claim after a storm, and you would have to link the damage to a storm in the last six months. 
Always check your policy for details. Whether these weather events are covered depends on your policy’s parameters and the roof’s age. Your policy may also define whether the damage will be fully or partially covered.


Roof Claim Denied

Insurance For Older Roofs

Will My Premiums Increase?

Know What Is Covered

Act Of Nature Or Sudden Accidental Events


Gradual Deterioration And Wear And Tear

The Age Of Your Roof And Insurance

Understand Recoverable Depreciation

Generally, the value of an asset can depreciate over time as the asset experiences the wear and tear that naturally comes from age and usage. This gradual deterioration and wear and tear of your roof may affect the claim you file with your insurance company.

After homeowners make claims on a new roof, insurance companies will likely cover these damages as long as they were caused by covered perils. On the other hand, older roofs are not likely to be fully covered. While the latest installation technologies and roof materials may offer longer lifespans for roofs, every roof will still eventually need to be replaced after it has surpassed its reasonable life expectancy. Generally, roofs that are more than 20 years old may be subject to limited coverage.
For older roofs, unseen issues may exist, such as the collection of moisture that can lead to water damage on your property. For properties with older roofs, many insurance companies may require roofing insurance inspections before they will write a new policy or renew an old one. If your roof does not pass inspection because of its age, the responsibility of repairing or replacing your roof will likely fall on your shoulders.


What is recoverable depreciation, and how does it relate to roof claims? Recoverable depreciation refers to your ability to make a claim for the depreciation of your property and the actual cash value.

For example, if your roof depreciated by $2,000, you may be able to claim this additional amount.

Many insurance companies also include a statute of limitations for how long you can make a roof claim after a storm or disaster. As such, you may want to contact your insurance company as soon as possible after a major storm.

While it’s considered uncommon for insurance companies to pay for you to upgrade your roofing to be better than it was before the damage, there may be some materials that they’d provide discounts for. For example, many insurance companies offer discounts for impact-resistant or metal roofing. Ask your insurance company if they offer discounts on any roofing materials. If so, it may be worth upgrading.

Statute Of Limitations For Reporting

Discounted Materials

Complete Restoration - Wind & Hail

Navigating the claims process.

As Oklahomans, we understand the importance of repairing damage following a storm. Along with that comes possibly filing a claim.
Our production manager will customize estimations and produce them timely to your insurance company to help expedite your home restoration.
The quicker you can navigate the claims process, the sooner you are on the road to restoring damaged areas and protecting you from further damage.

Get in Touch
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